Friday 13 September 2013



The Japanese juniper tree (Juniperus procumbens) is an evergreen shrub that works well in borders, topiaries, rock gardens and areas where erosion control is needed. Japanese junipers grow outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9, but are planted frequently in containers and used as bonsai trees. As bonsais, these shrubs will grow anywhere, since the portable nature of these small plants makes it easy to overwinter them indoors in cold climates and force them into winter dormancy in warm ones.

The following is a list of tips to care for your juniper bonsai indoors and out and during winter and summer. All Yoji Bonsai trees are potted with the correct mixture of soil that is paramount to the success and long life your bonsai tree. You not only get beauty with Yoji Bonsai trees but you also get quality. Enjoy.
Place the juniper bonsai outdoors in a bright spot where it will get direct sunlight in the morning, but filtered shade during the hottest part of the day. Move the plant inside for the winter when the temperatures begin to drop consistently to freezing. Place it in a bright, well-ventilated room where the temperature will stay between 25 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Move the plant back outdoors for the summer when the temperature outside exceeds 40 degrees. Mist the plant with water or place it on a tray of pebbles and water if it is overwintering near a heat source or in a dry area.


Poke your finger into the soil around your bonsai tree every day, pushing it about ½ inch into the soil. If the soil feels dry, water the tree by placing it into a container of standing fresh water for five to 10 minutes. Check your plant less frequently once you learn how often it needs to be watered in your environment. The top of the soil should dry out between watering's, but the soil in the pot should never be allowed to dry out completely. Remember to water your bonsai periodically during its winter dormancy, when water consumption will lessen but not stop completely.


Feed the tree every two weeks in the spring and summer growing season, starting as soon as your tree produces new growth in the spring. Fertilize once every two weeks with an organic fertilizer, such as fish emulsion, or with a balanced commercial fertilizer diluted to half strength. When the tree’s growth slows in late summer, cut the feedings to once a month. Do not fertilize the plant during winter dormancy.


Prune your juniper bonsai in the spring by pinching back new growth at the top of the tree that will ruin the desired shape of the plant. Pinch off needles growing against the trunk as well. Pruning specifics will vary based on the shape and style of tree that you want, and bonsai pruning can be difficult, so consult a professional if you are new to bonsai and are unsure how to proceed. Junipers are good candidates for cascade, windswept and informal upright bonsai shapes.


Repot trees that are less than five or six years old once every two years. Older plants need repotting only once every three to five years. Repot the plants in the spring when new green buds appear on them. Keep newly potted juniper bonsais in a shady area for a few weeks after transplanting so the roots can recover.


Be on the lookout for juniper-loving spider mites. If you see them, rinse the tree’s foliage with warm water and spray it weekly with a mild insecticide containing rotenone pyrethrin for three weeks. If the mites still are present after treatment, treat the tree again.

Things You Will Need

  • Spray bottle
  • Balanced fertilizer
  • Pot
  • Bonsai potting mix
  • Rotenone pyrethrin insecticide


  • If it is easier, water your juniper bonsai tree from the top down with a hose or watering can. If you do, soak the soil thoroughly, allow the water to drain out of the bottom of the pot, wait a few minutes and water again. Repeat this several times.

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