Tuesday 17 September 2013


 - The art of growing small trees and plants.
Bonsai are small trees planted and cared for in containers or pots. Many people grow bonsai because of their beauty and the enjoyment of maintaining them. Every bonsai starts as a seedling, or a very small tree. The owner then cultivates the branches over a long period of time, and the bonsai takes on a unique shape. Finally, when the tree reaches its planned shape, the bonsai is transferred to a display pot. Sometimes small objects or figurines are placed around the bonsai based on the artist's vision of the complete sculpture.

Bonsai history

The practice of growing and caring for bonsai began more than 1,000 years ago in Japan. Mentions of bonsai appear frequently in ancient poetry and other writings. Bonsai that were started as long ago as the 17th century have survived to present times and are considered national treasures in Japan.

Caring for Bonsai became much more widespread by the end of the 18th century. Members of the public began growing Bonsai, and showings and competitions were held. Today, more than 1,200 books have been published on Bonsai, in at least 26 languages. It is estimated that more than 5 million people worldwide cultivate Bonsai.

Bonsai types

A few popular types of Bonsai are:
A formal upright Bonsai has a straight, tapering trunk, with branches that are thick and broad at the bottom, and fine and short at the top.
An informal upright Bonsai features visible curves in the trunk and branches. The apex is located directly above the point where the trunk enters the soil line.
Slant-style Bonsai also have straight trunks, but the trunk emerges from the soil at an angle, and the apex is to the left or right of the root base.
Cascade-style Bonsai take the form of trees that grow down the sides of mountains or over water. The apex of a full cascade-style Bonsai falls below the base of the pot.
These are just a few examples of types of Bonsai. Consult an expert to determine which variety is right for you and the climate where you live.

Species of  Bonsai trees

Juniper - Junipers are popular among bonsai growers who like to control size and shape. During the growing season, a Juniper may need finger pinching two or three times throughout the tree to ensure it stays compact and space is maintained between branches. Finger pinching can be done with tweezers, but many growers prefer to use their fingers to better understand the tree.

Pine - Pines flourish in full sun throughout the year and should be kept regularly moist. Keep pines out of heavy rain, however. The grower should regularly remove old needles and pinch new pine candles to keep the tree its desired size and shape. Keep a careful watch for aphids that can damage pines.

Elm - Chinese elm are popular with new bonsai growers because they are among the easiest to keep, and they have small leaves.They can be kept indoors or outdoors, as long as the grower hardens the tree before it is placed in the cold. Elm varieties can develop very strong aerial root systems and thick trunks. Chinese elm are popular among growers who favor the broom-style bonsai.

Oak - Oak bonsai are popular among growers who want to make miniatures of mature, full-grown trees.Careful attention to branches, roots and the pruning process is a must when working with oak bonsai. You will also want to check if oak bonsai are compatible with your climate. Be on the lookout for mildew on oaks, and treat it immediately with a systemic fungicide.

Spruce - A dwarf blue spruce bonsai is a good selection for a grower who wants to create a tree in the upright style. Dwarf spruce are also popular with growers who want to develop carving and wiring skills while the tree is still in a training pot.

Maple - Maples grow very quickly in the spring. This variety can be left to grow a few inches to keep its spring color, and it can be pinched regularly. Some bonsai growers leaf-prune maples in June to reduce the leaf size, but don't do this more than once per year, and only on a healthy tree. The Japanese maple, or Acer, is well-known for changing colors with the seasons. Growers can expect reds, pinks, yellows, and greens.

Indoor Bonsai

Traditionally, Bonsai are grown outdoors. But in climates where outdoor growing is impossible and the hobby is less formal, indoor growth frequently takes place. Indoor growers frequently choose tropical and sub-tropical species that can grow inside. Outdoor trees are likely to weaken and die if the owner tries to move them indoors. Few traditional Bonsai species can survive in a typical home because of the dry conditions. Some Bonsai growers in Japan will sometimes display their tree in their home for a day or two only in a formal display alcove known as a Tokonoma.

Outdoor Bonsai

A typical container for a Bonsai living in the outdoors is under 25 centimeters in length and from 2 to 10 liters in volume. Bonsai are rarely larger than one meter in height, and many are much smaller. The owner should ensure the Bonsai received the correct amount of water, and re-pot the tree when necessary. Consult an expert to determine the correct soil composition and fertilization. In most cases, the soil the Bonsai is planted in should be a loose, fast-draining mix of components. Also be aware that different types of the tree have unique lighting requirements.

Bonsai tree care

To effectively grow a Bonsai, the owner must understand techniques related to defoliation, grafting, potting, pruning, and root reduction. The owner should regularly trim the leaves and needles of the Bonsai, both to keep it healthy and to achieve the desired shape. The trunk, branches and roots of the tree should be carefully pruned. Many Bonsai owners use wiring to shape the tree and make detailed branch and leaf placements. Clamps can also be used to shape trunks and branches. Growing a new bud, branch or root can be be accomplished by grafting the new material in a prepared area on the trunk or under the bark of the tree.

Bonsai pots and Bonsai containers

Once a bonsai is the right size and shape to display, it's time to carefully select a pot or other type of container. Final pots are usually much shallower than training pots, which are deeper so that the bonsai has a better chance of growing.Most final display pots are ceramic, but plastic or mica pots can also be used. 

Bonsai growers should consider taking their tree with them when buying a pot or container, to ensure they are buying a pot of correct size, color and shape. Brown, unglazed pots are popular for evergreen bonsai that still have foliage in the winter. A colored glaze pot works well with a deciduous bonsai, because its colors work equally well in summer and winter.

Don't overlook the shape of a bonsai when selecting a pot or container. A semicascade tree requires a pot that keeps branches off the ground. Cascade bonsai need taller pots that are appropriate for a stand or a location overhanging a pond. Forest group enthusiasts frequently purchase shallow oval or rectangular pots.

Bear in mind the thickness of the tree's trunk when selecting a pot. Thick-trunked trees work well in a deep pot, while taller bonsai are better off in a wider, shallower pot.

Bonsai compost and fertilizers

Bonsai require very open and free-draining compost that ensure the root ball will not become too wet. A root ball that is too wet frequently causes it to rot, harming the tree. When using a spray bottle, keep the nozzle about two feet from the bonsai for best results.

Keeping a bonsai healthy requires a careful schedule of watering and feeding, depending on its type. Most indoor trees require a proprietary liquid bonsai feed administered about every two days during the spring, summer and fall, and once a month in the winter. Outdoor trees generally do not require feeding during the winter.Normal garden fertilizers should be diluted to a weaker strength when used with bonsai. Cake-type fertilizers that are left on top of the pot can also be used to gradually fertilize the tree.

If possible, use rainwater to water bonsai. If you are concerned about the chemicals and salts in the tap water where you live, store some tap water in a water butt for a few days to make it suitable for bonsai.

Bonsai tools

Beginning bonsai growers should start with small and large scissors for trimming roots and small branches. Beginners should also purchase wire and cutters to begin learning shaping skills and to create the shape of the bonsai. Buy a water sprayer for keeping roots and foliage moist.

Later, bonsai growers will need a rake or root hook for re-potting jobs. Moving trees around a garden will require a good-quality shovel, saw and loppers.Some other tools that may be useful depending on what kind or bonsai you wish to grow include a coconut brush, branch or side cutters, and a bench cutter.

As a grower becomes more advanced, they should consider clamps and pliers for bending thick branches.Tools that will help cultivate soil include soil sieves for removing fine material from compost and improving drainage. Metal scoops allow the grower to pour grit and pot compost into small areas.Some bonsai growers set up a special work station with a turntable so they can view trees easily from different angles.

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