Thursday 10 October 2013

5 basic tips for indoor bonsai care


5 Top Indoor Bonsai Tree Care Tips

Bonsai tree care can be nerve-wracking and more so indoor Bonsai tree care. With proper care, you will find your Bonsai tree dying and a hobby that was suppose to be relaxing
and peaceful turns into a nightmare. Different people have different take on the proper way to care for Bonsai trees, and this document is an endeavor to list the 5 top indoor Bonsai tree care tips that are extremely essential. By following the tips, you will be able to grow great looking Bonsai trees and will no longer have to confront a dying Bonsai tree.

Although the tips here may sound very basic, without following them, you will not be able to encourage the growth of Bonsai trees. These are the basic needs of every Bonsai
tree in order for it to develop. You can like Bonsai care to building a house -- a house needs a firm and solid foundation before you can erect a wall and a roof. These 5 top
indoor Bonsai tree care tips should be the foundation of growing great looking Bonsai trees.

So, without much ado, here are the 5 top Bonsai Tree Care Tips.

Tip 1 -- How to water a Bonsai tree.

When it comes to indoor Bonsai tree care, watering is one of the most important aspects of care. If you give your tree too little water, it will dehydrate and die. If you water too
much, it will drown the tree.
After of talking to other Bonsai enthusiasts, I have found out that watering the Bonsai tree is the number one problem most people face, especially beginners. To ensure you are
watering your Bonsai tree correctly, wait until you see the soil drying up. Of course, do not wait until the soil has dried up completely. Then water the plant until the excess water
seeps out of the bottom of the Bonsai pot and then do not water again until the soil starts drying up. This is the best method to water a Bonsai plant and if you follow it, it will be
impossible (well nearly impossible!) to over water or under water the tree.

Tip 2 -- Picking the Right Soil

Picking the right soil is important for indoor Bonsai tree care given the fact that fact of the tree is covered by soil! If you want to pick the right soil for your Bonsai tree, visit the
nearest garden center and inform them about the exact type of Bonsai tree you have. The garden center will help you select the right soil and the only thing you should request is
for the best quality soil available for your type of Bonsai tree. Spending a few dollars extra for higher quality soil will make all the difference in your Bonsai tree.

Tip 3 -- How to Apply Fertilizer Correctly

Anyone who is new to indoor Bonsai tree care invariably has an issue with fertilizer application. In fact, many beginners end up using insoluble fertilizer and then are kept
scratching their head wondering why the tree died a few weeks. Bonsai trees have to be given water soluble fertilizer once or twice a week and that too only during the growing
season. In addition, fertilizer application should take place when the soil is wet or you will not see the results. Drive down to the local gardening center and inquire about the
different types of water soluble fertilizers they have. Pick a high quality fertilizer and if it does not work, wait until the next growing season before trying a different fertilizer. As
far as possible avoid mixing and matching fertilizers.

Tip 4 -- How to Prune a Bonsai Tree

Pruning is an important part of indoor Bonsai tree care. The pruning is done in two different ways -- branch pruning and root pruning. Branch pruning should be done when
spring starts and you should carefully remove the branches that you do not want. Keep only the branches you wish to. Similarly root pruning should be done but take care
because root pruning should only be done after the roots of the tree have bound themselves firmly into the pot. You have to learn the basics of Bonsai tree pruning before
trying to sculpt the tree into different shapes.

Tip 5 -- Choosing the Perfect Growing Environment for Your Bonsai Tree

The last tip is another important factor in indoor Bonsai Tree care. Make sure your Bonsai tree is placed in an area that receives a lot of sunlight. One of the best places in
the house is the window sill but make sure it is wide enough to hold the Bonsai pot or else it will fall off! The room should not be too hot or cold, and this varies from one
species of tree to another. In addition, take care that the room is humid enough so that the soil does not dry out too soon.

This Document covers the 5 basic points of indoor Bonsai tree care. If you follow the advice listed here, you will soon be growing a beautiful Bonsai tree that will be the envy of the neighborhood!

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